Videos Available for all Open Market Consultations

All OMCs have now been uploaded to the procuRE website and are available to watch for interested parties at the procuRE Events Page. The Open Market Consultations provided the procurers a chance to reach out to market stakeholders and explain the procuRE challenge, as well as starting a discussion to validate their specifications and gather new ideas (e.g. new technological approaches, innovative business models) to be reflected in the CfT documents:

OMC in Slovenia (Slovenian)

OMC in Spain (Spanish)

OMC in Germany: first & second (German)

OMC in Portugal (Portuguese)

OMC in Turkey (Turkish)

SCM Forum (English)

OMC in Israel (Hebrew)

European OMC (English)

Global OMC (English)

Preferred Partner Forum (English)

procuRE as part of #EUSEW21 (English)

Materials, next steps:

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