The OMC event took place on April 22, 2021. During the OMC event procurers explained the procuRE challenge and started discussion to validate their specifications and gather new ideas (e.g. new technological approaches, innovative business models) to be reflected in the CfT documents.
Regarding the participation at the event, there was a total of 68 participants, plus 13 speakers (3 from KSSENA) that participated in both sections of the event. At least 23 individual companies joined the OMC event.
Materials, next steps and video:
- OMC presentation (PDF) in Slovenian and full Pitch Deck (PDF) in English
- Enter details in Matchmaking form and answer the OMC Questionnaire
Time code:
0:36 Dobrodošli / Pregled
2:49 Uvod
13:59 O projektu procuRE: Cilji in obseg aktivnosti
21:56 Javno naročilo za inovacije in razpisni postopek
42:35 Vprašanja in odgovori o projektu in izvedbi postopkov
43:25 Informacije o stavbi lokalnega/nacionalnega pilota
56:54 Vprašanja in odgovori o izbrani stavbi
1:02:02 Naslednji koraki