Istanbul Pilot site - Bakery School of Life Long Learning Centre
Climate targets and deadlines
One of IMM’s six principal aims in the strategic plan for 2020-2024 is “strengthening sustainable environmental and energy management”. The specific objectives of the aims are:
- Increasing the Recycling Rate by Improving Waste Management Applications,
- Activating and Expanding Activities for Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency and Lighting Facilities,
- Creating Sustainable Green Areas and Increasing the Amount of Active Green Areas Per Person,
- Protecting the Environment by Spreading the Fight Against Climate Change.
In this context, any actions or KPIs are developed for 2024:
- to increase the amount of energy produced from waste by 800 GWh / year,
- to increase the rate of waste processed in recycling facilities to 20%,
- transforming 10% of municipal service buildings into green buildings,
- to increase the number of people who receive annual energy efficiency awareness training to 10 thousand,
- To increase the installed renewable energy power of IMM to 25 thousand kWp,
- to provide 60% energy efficiency with automation systems for lightening,
- To increase the rate of meeting IMM’s electricity consumption from renewable energy to 15%,
- to increase the amount of green areas maintained annually to 90 million square meters,
- to increase the total amount of newly built green areas to 30 million square meters,
- to increase the number of annual activities carried out to increase environmental awareness to 168,
- updating the urban greenhouse gas emission inventory annually
Goals and challenges for buildings along the road
The procuRE project is generating a new vision and dynamic for the IMM. In this way, we would like to elaborate on new goals and challenges for the IMM’s buildings and areas:
- to create a new database about IMM’s buildings and neighbourhoods,
- to collect information about façade of buildings,
- to collect information about installed equipment,
- to determine the potential roof and façade for installing renewable energy systems,
- to determine the potential energy efficiency of buildings.
How procuRE slots into this story and how it might help to achieve above
Istanbul Pilot site - Bakery School of Life Long Learning Centre
News & Events
April 18, 2024
phase III progress update in IStanbul
May 20, 2022
4 procure cities selected for EU Mission on climate Neutrality
May 15, 2022
İstanbul selected for EU’s 100 climate-neutral programme
Data Sources and Links
Istanbul Strategic Plan 2020-2024
Decision on the approval of the Eleventh Development Plan (2019-2023)
Turkey’s National Climate Change Adaptation Strategy and Action Plan
Ulusal Energji Verimliligi Eylem Plani 2017-2023 (in Turkish)