At the C40 Climate Leadership online summit earlier this year Mayor Imamoglu announced that Istanbul was in the process of revising the city ‘Climate Change Action Plan’ specifying it was “in order to make Istanbul a carbon-neutral and resilient city in 2050”. The city government has created an Ecological Systems Bureau which will work together with a technical team from C40 to evaluate the city with respect to the UN Sustainable Development Goals. As Istanbul has previously been named one of the European cities most vulnerable to climate change, immediate action is necessary to safeguard the future of Turkey’s economic centre.
The building sector is one of the biggest contributors to energy consumption, as such removing this source of emission is key to Istanbul’s net neutrality goals. To this end to Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality is working together with Özyeğin University to fund the Horizon 2020 project ‘procuRE’. The project is currently searching for suppliers who share this vision and collecting input from industry professionals. One Turkish OMC event took place on the 27th of May followed by two international English language events in June and July. Interested parties are invited to learn more and shape the tender.