Despite COVID-19 restrictions, AMB was able to take part in the public presentation of the International Cooperation Master Plan 2020-2023 in April this year. A hundred representatives of metropolitan municipalities, public administrations and other contributors gathered to introduce the plan, which touches on many aspects of international cooperation, including the common challenge of climate change. This corresponds with our own targets as put forward in the ‘AMB Climate and Energy Plan 2030‘. The AMB is targeting a 43% reduction in emissions across services by 2030 (compared with 2005 levels).
However, the dense population and high level of development found in the Barcelona Metropolitan region can cause problems for the energy network. The volatile nature of renewable energy sources can lead to surges or shortages. The procuRE project has the advantage of aiming for 100% on-site energy production and storage, thereby reducing reliance on the grid. The municipality of Barcelona has recognised the potential and has agreed to fund the project together with five other cities as a procurement partner. For Barcelona that means that successes discovered during the project can be easily and cost-effectively replicated across the over 3,000 public buildings operated by AMB.
The project is currently in the process of collecting input and reaching out to suppliers. An English language OMC event will take place on July 9th for interested suppliers to learn more and shape the tender.