procuRE launched the third phase towards reaching its goal to develop innovative solutions to achieve 100% Renewable Energy Supply in existing public buildings.
The six procurers from Slovenia, Spain, Germany, Portugal, Israel, and Turkey evaluated the prototype systems and chose two suppliers who will continue deployment and testing of their solutions in the next months. We congratulate PARadISE and SEBR consortia and looking forward for a productive work during the final phase of the PCP project. We thank CLARITY consortium for their efforts in the previous project stages!
More about Phase III
Phase III of the PCP process started in July 2023.
Suppliers are going to install and test their designed solutions and make them operational. Performance data will be collected to analyse and evaluate the results of the designed solutions.
It allocates three sites per a supplier’s consortium the following way:
- PARadISE deploys Renovation Packages in Eilat, Istanbul and Velenje,
- SEBR deploys Renovation Packages in Barcelona, Nuremberg and Vila Nova de Gaia.
Currently, suppliers are ordering the equippment and services based on the finalised Renovation Packages.