Istanbul Pilot site - Bakery School of Life Long Learning Centre

Climate targets and deadlines

One of IMM’s six principal aims in the strategic plan for 2020-2024 is “strengthening sustainable environmental and energy management”. The specific objectives of the aims are:

  • Increasing the Recycling Rate by Improving Waste Management Applications,
  • Activating and Expanding Activities for Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency and Lighting Facilities,
  • Creating Sustainable Green Areas and Increasing the Amount of Active Green Areas Per Person,
  • Protecting the Environment by Spreading the Fight Against Climate Change.


In this context, any actions or KPIs are developed for 2024:

  • to increase the amount of energy produced from waste by 800 GWh / year,
  • to increase the rate of waste processed in recycling facilities to 20%,
  • transforming 10% of municipal service buildings into green buildings,
  • to increase the number of people who receive annual energy efficiency awareness training to 10 thousand,
  • To increase the installed renewable energy power of IMM to 25 thousand kWp,
  • to provide 60% energy efficiency with automation systems for lightening,
  • To increase the rate of meeting IMM’s electricity consumption from renewable energy to 15%,
  • to increase the amount of green areas maintained annually to 90 million square meters,
  • to increase the total amount of newly built green areas to 30 million square meters,
  • to increase the number of annual activities carried out to increase environmental awareness to 168,
  • updating the urban greenhouse gas emission inventory annually


Goals and challenges for buildings along the road

The procuRE project is generating a new vision and dynamic for the IMM. In this way, we would like to elaborate on new goals and challenges for the IMM’s buildings and areas:

  • to create a new database about IMM’s buildings and neighbourhoods,
  • to collect information about façade of buildings,
  • to collect information about installed equipment,
  • to determine the potential roof and façade for installing renewable energy systems,
  • to determine the potential energy efficiency of buildings.

How procuRE slots into this story and how it might help to achieve above

In the context of IMM’s energy politics and strategies, the procuRE project will shape new adaptive solutions for IMM’s buildings, particularly in the sector of renewable energy systems and energy efficiency technics. Throughout the project, we will welcome new procurers of the European energy sector, and we will elaborate and test ESCO models for public buildings in Istanbul and Turkey. The country and the city is suffering from climate change impacts, and droughts and other effects are at the focus of recent national negotiations. Hence, IMM is planning to increase the number of zero energy buildings in the city, and especially the public buildings should be at this level as soon as possible. As a pioneer municipality in Turkey, the IMM activities are followed by other cities; thus, the procuRE can increase the number of zero energy buildings in the country and its benefit for the societies.

Istanbul Pilot site - Bakery School of Life Long Learning Centre

News & Events

April 18, 2024

phase III progress update in IStanbul

Exciting developments are unfolding for Istanbul. The project in this demonstration site has reached a major milestone with the […]

May 20, 2022

4 procure cities selected for EU Mission on climate Neutrality

We are happy to announce that four procuRE cities – Velenje, Barcelona, Eilat and Istanbul – have been selected […]

May 15, 2022

İstanbul selected for EU’s 100 climate-neutral programme

İstanbul will participate in a new EU program with the aim of transforming itself into a smart and climate-neutral […]

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