

Are you able to cut the need for offside-supply in existing buildings? Are you ready for the #procu100re renewable energy supply challenge? Six cities and regions are looking for R&D solutions to change the approach of building renovation. We are following a pre-commercial procurement (PCP) approach and challenging those suppliers that can respond to our needs. The total funding amount to be divided among the selected suppliers throughout the whole challenge-based procurement is 7.68 million euro.

100% renewable energy

Schools and Offices

7.68 million € for R&D


[Phase 0]

The Open Market Consultation (OMC) represents a specific phase during the overall Pre-Commercial Procurement preparation. The objective is to actively approach the market to learn more about the state-of-the-art, as well as about envisaged future developments on operating buildings only with renewable energy. A series of OMC events will be organised and announced in section events, newsletter etc.

[Phase 1]

The Solution Design Phase is a 3-month phase in which six contractors apply their Renovation Approach and develop a specific Renovation Package for each of the six Demonstration Sites. The design level is schematic; planning and calculations are preliminary. Contractors and procurers interact via the Co-Design procedure to clarify detail and decision-making. This phase aims to verify the conceptual, technological, organisational, regulatory, safety and budgetary feasibility of the solutions. The total procurement budget for this phase is 1.15 million euro.

[Phase 2]

The Development of Prototype phase is an 8-month phase in which four contractors refine and increase the level of detail of their designs and organise tests
of all user-facing ICT-systems. The design level is as detailed as possible without the requirement to
constitute construction drawings. Planning and calculations should be final. The use of the Co-Design procedure should be intensified. This phase aims to turn the schematic design
to detailed designs preparing all parties involved for rapid implementation; and to give future users the opportunity to test all ICT-systems. The total procurement budget in Phase 2 will be 2.3 million euro.

Phase 3

The Development and Testing of Pilot Systems phase is a 16-month phase in which two contractors implement their Renovation Packages at the three Demonstration Sites allocated to them. Designs are turned into construction drawings, the solutions are installed, made operational, maintained and performance data collected. Contractors and procurers interact via the Continuous Commissioning procedure and demonstrate how O&M and contracting plays out in real-life. This phase serves to verify both the prototype Renovation Packages and the whole prototype Renovation Approach. The total procurement budget in Phase 3 will be 4.22 million euro.

The procuRE Timeline

Learn more details about the procuRE PCP Phases HERE.

December 2020 - March 2022
15 months
Phase 0 - Open Market Consultation and Preparation of the tender documents

December 2020 - October 2021: Prepraration phase

November 2021 - March 2022: Call for Tender

May 2022 - July 2022
3 months
Phase I

Concept design, solution architechture, technical specifications and assessment framework

August 2022 - May 2023
9 months
Phase II

Development of prototype systems: design level is as detailed as possible, planning and calculations are final

July 2023 - October 2024
16 months
Phase III

Deployment and testing of the solutions: designs are turned into construction drawings, the solutions are installed, made operational, maintained and performance data collected

Meet the partners

procuRE brings together 6 procurers from 6 countries to jointly tackle the common challenge of achieving 100% Renewable Energy Supply in existing public buildings

Latest News

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April 24, 2024

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The procuRE project in Velenje is making significant strides. The renovation package is now finalised, with local subcontractors on […]

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phase III progress update in IStanbul

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