Georg Vogt and Nadia Koval, empirica, successfully provided insights into Pre-Commercial Procurement and the Horizon 2020 project procuRE which is part of the action cluster “Business Models & Finance”. Download the Presentation to get more information.
- Juergen Ritzek:
- Welcomed the participants and presented the updates of the Action Cluster. Also mentioned the needs to engage to leverage the smart cities marketplace.
- Nadia Koval:
- Presented the Pre-Commercial Procurement (PCP) tool which is used when there no near-to-the-market solutions yet exist and highlighted the main advantages of it:
- development in stages and testing of innovative ideas under real world conditions: medium-/long-term development
- high degree of innovation, R&D effort required
- competitive development: several suppliers, best solutions are chosen to deploy
- risk-benefit sharing under market conditions – procurers and suppliers share IPR ownership
- visibility on EU-Level – close interaction with multiple procurers
- opportunities for companies, start-ups and SMEs to gain leadership in new markets
- a large demand to incentivise industry to invest in wide commercialisation.
- Presented the Pre-Commercial Procurement (PCP) tool which is used when there no near-to-the-market solutions yet exist and highlighted the main advantages of it:
- Georg Vogt:
- Presented the EU Horizon 2020 project procuRE aiming to develop breakthrough solutions for 100% renewable energy supply in buildings where 6 cities are to procure R&D services in building technology and renewables for a total sum of €7.68 million.
- Highlighted that:
- Buyers group describe the problem and award criteria, whereas suppliers define the solutions (technology open)
- procuRE identifies eight building blocks that having major shortcomings which require progress beyond the state-of-the-art (in more detail in pitch deck)
- the project will run until May 2024 and is carried out in 4 phases:
- open market consultation & call for tender (Dec 20 – Feb 22)
- solution design (Mar 22 – May 22) – 8 suppliers
- prototype development (Jun 22 – Jan 23) – 4 suppliers
- prototype field testing (Feb 23 – May 24) – 2-3 suppliers.
- Elaborated on financial and administrative matters:
- a PCP is a contract, not a grant
- financial offers are requested for each phase (up to the ceiling);
- request for tender is expected for October 2021:
- open to all types of operators (companies or other types of legal entities)
- both single entity or joint tender offers (consortia) are possible
- the offer has to include all costs (payment is made based on offered price after work approval)
- the official language is English, but there is always a possibility to directly contact procurers in their local languages
- Discussed next steps:
- suppliers are encouraged to team up with other companies and apply together in a joint tender (consortium): fill in the Matchmaking form;
- complete the OMC questionnaire to refine and structure the challenge brief;
- become a preferred partner to engage closely with the PCP process and get access to all info about PCP results:
- Invited to join further OMC and Preferred Partner Events:
- International OMC – June 25, 2021
- Global OMC – July 9, 2021
- Preferred Partners – July 13, 2021.
Georg Houben:
Involve the matchmaker to understand how to make cites aware of PCP. How can we really make it happen in practical terms? How can we use it to promote private capital and build capacity among civil servants?
Q&A conclusions:
- Six procurers of the procuRE project are already fixed however other cities or public authorities can join to collaborate with the Buyers Group, engage closely with the PCP process, get access to all info about PCP results, and receive reimbursement of travel cost to Open Pilot Days (subject to availability).
- All Tender documents will be in English however potential bidders can contact procurers in local languages.
- The Matchmaking Platform allows SMEs and start-ups, which provide one specific technology, to find partners, build a consortium and apply for a tender together.
- The bidders are also to provide financial solutions to demonstrate how the building will be maintained over the next 10 years.
Final remarks
- Georg Vogt will be leading the new initiative: Pre-Commercial Procurement. To know more or register visit: or e-mail at
- To follow the procuRE visit:
- Events:
- Matchmaking tool:
- procuRE pitch deck:
- LinkedIn:
- Twitter: @procure_PCP